Monday, March 10, 2025


By Kabiru Dalha


What is Integrity?

The word integrity simply means being honest, upright, and having a strong moral principles.

Today I started rather in an unusual way, bringing even a case study in my write-up. I do this because the topic and the write-up would be best understood using a case study, and since it is elections time, I took the two strong opposition presidential aspirants as my case stud, basing my argument on peculiarities and what is happening at the campaigns around the country. I am sure my followers will understand why I have to do that.

Indeed I believe nobody is in doubt that, being honest or upright or having strong moral value (which all means integrity), is priceless, I doubt if anybody will disagree with that submission, but may be what my followers will want me to prove is that that same Integrity prevails against riches, lies and violence. Yes, I may need to really do a bit of a talking to convince you about that, and that is my reason of taking the case study of Muhammadu Buhari vs Atiku Abubakar.

The Beginning:

Muhammadu Buhari is the current President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria who doubles as the Presidential candidate of All Progressive Congress (APC), and Atiku Abubakar is a former Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria who is also the Presidential candidate of the opposition party, the People Democratic Party (PDP). I also believe that you will agree with me if I say the only things these two individuals share are religion, North and perhaps the Presidential candidature. Apart from these, I can confidently say that they go their separate ways.

Let me briefly discuss the characters of these two individuals for a better understanding of the topic in discussion.

His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari:

Who is PMB in terms of character?

The general and most acceptable answer to this question is, President Muhammadu Buhari is an honest, upright man, who is also strongly protecting his moral values always.
He was a former General.
He is generally believed to abhor corruption and all it’s practices. He does not tolerate Indiscipline.
He will always tell you the truth even in a matter of possible political manipulation.
All his public life, he was never found wanting in all his assignments both national and international.
He is not rich and does not intentionally tell lies.
He is a Muslim Northerner from the Northwestern region.
He is worldly accepted as a man of immense INTEGRITY.
That is President Muhammadu Buhari, the current President and also Presidential candidate of the ruling party, the APC.

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.

Who is Atiku Abubakar in terms of character?

He was a former custom officer of Nigerian Custom Service.
He was a former Vice President of 8 years of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, during President Obasanjo’s tenure.
He is very corrupt (according to his former boss Obasanjo in his book ‘MY WATCH’).
His moral values are in question, as we can see so many pictures and videos in our social media of him dancing with or kissing one woman or another.
He can tell lies to suit his own interests (Ref: recent case of keystone shares that he said Buhari’s family have).
He is very rich, even though he is said to be a business man but his source of wealth is questionable.
He is a Muslim Northerner from Northeastern region.
He is worldly accepted to be corrupt, as he cannot currently visit the United States of America because of a corruption case that even a serving Senator of the US was convicted and jailed sometimes back between 2008 – 2010.
In summary, he has no INTEGRITY standing against Muhammadu Buhari.
That is Atiku Abubakar, the Presidential candidate of the People Democratic Party (PDP).

Having said that, it is now easier to have a comparative analysis of the two individuals/Presidential candidates.

Comparative Analysis of Buhari and Atiku:

Based on the briefs of the two above, one can easily see that the bases for comparison between the two are very limited, and as such the analysis may not be too difficult. One can easily see that, like I said earlier, the only similarities that Buhari and Atiku share may be religion, region and language spoken, but beside that, they have nothing in common especially in terms of attitudes and public engagements. They are entirely two different persons with different personalities.


Buhari is a former army General and Atiku is former Custom officer.
Buhari was former Head of State and also the current President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Atiku was a former Vice President.
Buhari is honest and Atiku is not honest (Ref: Obj’s My Watch).
Buhari is known to abhor corruption and Atiku is believed to tolerate corruption. (Ref:Obj’s My Watch).
Buhari is never found to breach public trust and Atiku is found wanting in terms of breaching public trust (Ref: Obj’s My Watch).
Buhari is morally upright and Atiku’s moral values are questionable (Ref: social media pics n videos).
Buhari can travel anywhere in the world even before he became the President, but Atiku cannot travel to USA as at now.
Buhari cannot be said to be rich, but Atiku is stupendously rich.

I will not be too academic in the analysis because it is not an academic paper. I am sure my analysis is good enough to be understood and make the expected decision.

The Issue:

The topic of discourse today is ‘Integrity is priceless, it prevails against riches, lies and violence, Buhari vs Atiku as case study’.

One can easily deduce from the comparative analysis and the analysis above, that President Muhammadu Buhari is not rich, he doesn’t lie and he abhor violence, but he is man of immense INTEGRITY. His integrity is never in doubt even by his enemies. It is because of his integrity and honesty that his enemies fear him, and his supporters love him with passion. It is equally because of his integrity that Foreign Leaders and Heads of Governments respect him and always want associate with him. His integrity brought back our honor and dignity from the badly damaged image that we and our country Nigeria used to have.

Muhammadu Buhari will always tell the nation the truth, no matter how raw it is, and how painful it may feel. He is always blunt and honest. He always preach against violence and caution our teeming Youths to be vigilant and avoid partaking in any violent activities before, during and after elections.

I must admit that these are the qualities that formed the reason for the love of President Muhammadu Buhari among Masses and most of the Elites of this country. His followers are called names by the people of the opposition. Muhammadu Buhari does not give money for his followers to love him, no preference. In fact he doesn’t even come face to face with more than 80% of his lovers in this country and abroad but he is love, and I am sure he may not know them throughout his remaining days not only on the throne but on earth.

PMB is still the only Politician alive in Nigeria that can gather more than one million Nigerians without spending a Kobo. PMB does not give money for political rallies, he only needs to show his interest and the rally will just naturally form itself with the unexpected number of people. People spend for him without feeling anything or regret. Politicians spent to go to his rallies, they even sponsor their supporters for any PMB’s gathering. Candidates even from the opposition parties are joining their pictures with that of PMB in order to win election or get sympathy from Voters. In fact everyone wants associate with PMB in order to be seen as a good man or woman. This is really what money cannot buy. It is what lies cannot get. PMB is trusted world over because of his INTEGRITY.

On the contrary, upon all the richness, Alh Atiku Abubakar has no genuine followers. One can comfortably say that all the people around Atiku are with him because of what they can get out of him. He cannot gather a thousand people without spending millions of naira or dollars. Nobody, even in those following him believe in his sincerity. Remember, he had to spend thousands of dollars to buy his party’s ticket, it is an open secret. He is not love even by his party members. Even candidates from his party do not want associate with him, as such they don’t want join his picture with their own in their posters, especially in the North. He is generally regarded as someone who talk from both sides of his mouth and as such he is not trusted at all. People don’t patronize him at all, and even those that do, they do it for what they get from him not that they believe in him. He is perceived to have the tendency of being violent in order to get what he wants. Unlike PMB, he spends to get people’s attention and redeem his battered image, but yet to no avail. He is rich, but his richness cannot get him even a fraction of what PMB is getting in terms people’s trust and followership because of his perceived lack of moral values and honesty. Atiku’s only headache is to be trusted and accepted by Nigerians, but unfortunately he is not getting that for the obvious reason that he is seen as a man without INTEGRITY.


In conclusion, we can all see that from the analysis and facts above, using the case study, we can easily conclude that indeed INTEGRITY IS PRICELESS, AND IT REALLY PREVAILS AGAINST RICHES, LIES AND VIOLENCE.

People value INTEGRITY even though they love money.


Kabir Dalha Kabir


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