Friday, March 14, 2025


By Kabiru Dalha

Allahu Akbar!

I don’t really know what to start with about this honest, jovial and an extremely humble gentleman.
I used to always joke with him, sometimes about his wives, and sometimes about other things, he used to always just smile and say ‘Kabiru Kai dai’ sometimes he will call me ‘KDK kazo da rigimarka ko’. One good thing about Dr M. Sani to all those who knew him was that, you will never see him getting angry or got angry, he used to always smile over almost everything. I just can’t describe his humility. M. Sani as we popularly call him was just too nice. He was a rare gem of a gentleman. A full gentleman.

Honestly, I am just confused of what to write about M. Sani. It is really terrifying enough to even think that he has gone. He is no more. I cannot not joke and laugh with him anymore. Wa iyyazu billah. Ya Allah accept and admit the soul of Dr Salisu M. Sani into jannatul Firdausi. Ya Allah forgive all his shortcomings while he was in this our confused world. Ya Allah You know why you have taken him, have mercy on him Ya Allah. Shower Your blessings to his children, give them the strength and courage to face this irreparable lost. Soothe their hearts and minds. Oh my God. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirrajiun.

Dr M. Sani did his PhD in Computer science with speciality in Artificial intelligence, he was a Lecturer in Jigawa Polytechnic before he transferred to Jigawa State University, Kafin Hausa. He served as a part-time Lecturer in Computer science of the Kano State Polytechnic, since before he obtained his PhD, and later on as a Dr, he served as our Moderator when I was then the Exam-officer. Allahu Akbar, my heart is so heavy as I write this piece.

When I received a text message from a very close friend about the demise of Dr M. Sani in an accident along Abuja Kano road, I shivered and couldn’t comprehend it at once. I just started seeing his ever smiling face in a sort of virtual reality, I had to make some calls to really confirm the authenticity of the text. As painful as it is Dr. M. Sani has gone and will never come back. May his hereafter be far better than his world.

Dr M. Sani, even though you may not hear me, but just know that I will truly miss everything about you, that permanent smile on your face, your passion for my progress, your wonderful humility, your immense patience and your ever I don’t care attitude to all my silly teases. We have really lost a true friend in every word of it. A complete gentleman to the core. Allah Yayi maka rahama da mafificiyar aljannah, Amin ya rabbil alamin.

I don’t have the wordings to describe you, but we will insha Allah continue to pray for forgiveness to Allah on your behalf and all our other deceased friends and family. May almighty Allah forgive you all, Amin ya rabbi.

Ya Allah You taken him and we all know You are never wrong, we also know that every soul shall taste bitterness of death. Ya accommodate him and all other Muslims into the highest Jannah, Ya Allah. Forgive all their sins and shortcomings.

Allahumma gafirhu wa rahamhu wa afuw’anhu, Ya arRahamarRahimin. Amin ya rabbi.

Ya Allah, as for us, accept our souls when you are happy with us, Amin ya rabbil alamin.

Kabir Dalha Kabir
A Friend.


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